A collection of my own graphical and mathematical art, and an exploration into some of the fascinating ideas I've found being used elsewhere in the genre.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Stellated skeletal dodecahedra
For some reason I've grown very fond of stellated dodecahedra. Escher played around with this as one of many other regular polyhedra, but for some reason, this is my favourite to draw. I did this first picture on MS Paint to show how they are drawn. The rest were all freehand biro skeletal versions.
One of the things I'm very much into is graphical and mathematical art, specifically that which is created without computer assistance. This blog serves as a dumping ground for all the pieces of freehand "art" I create, as well as some of the thoughts and theories I have on the topic.
You'll notice a heavily recurring theme that is the work of M C Escher, a Dutch graphic artist who died about 40 years ago. The reason I talk about him so much is that he was, in my eyes, an incredibly important and influential artist. If you like his work and if you are interested in this genre of art, then you are my target audience! So with that in mind, I hope you enjoy what you find!
I also want to mention my reason for having this blog, (apart from the fact that I like showing off my drawings!) I am very passionate about exchanging ideas about this genre. So if you are also a fan of this kind of art, or of Escher's work, please get in touch.
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