Monday, 14 June 2010
Monday, 10 May 2010
Stellated skeletal dodecahedra
For some reason I've grown very fond of stellated dodecahedra. Escher played around with this as one of many other regular polyhedra, but for some reason, this is my favourite to draw. I did this first picture on MS Paint to show how they are drawn. The rest were all freehand biro skeletal versions.

Sunday, 11 April 2010
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Samaritans volunteer doodle pad
These are photos I took of some of the A3 blotter pads in a Samaritan volunteer's phone booth. They get turned into massive collaborative doodles!
OK it's not technically (all) my own work but fascinating nevertheless, so I thought it deserved to go on the blog. I remember seeing a feature ages ago about these as well, in the glossy that comes with the Sunday Telegraph.
Click the individual pictures for bigger images, although the resolution isn't great unfortunately.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Trefoil / Möbius Knots
A few trefoil knots I've drawn: all are just freehand and made with a black Bic biro (and pencil-line construction).
My most ambitious one yet, combining four parallel Möbius strips and a spiral tube running continuously round. This one was very challenging and took me a few days, because the fact that you can see through the structure meant that I had to show the back of it through the gaps in the front. The three cross-over sections were the trickiest, but I was pleased with the result overall!
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