Sunday 31 January 2010

Trefoil / Möbius Knots

A few trefoil knots I've drawn: all are just freehand and made with a black Bic biro (and pencil-line construction).

My most ambitious one yet, combining four parallel Möbius strips and a spiral tube running continuously round. This one was very challenging and took me a few days, because the fact that you can see through the structure meant that I had to show the back of it through the gaps in the front. The three cross-over sections were the trickiest, but I was pleased with the result overall!

A square-sectioned knot with hollow floating sections.

A square-sectioned knot with cube connectors. This one was quite easy because all elements are solid and opaque.

My first proper attempt at a trefoil knot, combining two interlocking parallel Möbius strips and circular ribs. The ribs aren't very evenly spaced, but the overall effect is pretty nice I think.


  1. Hey,

    that's impressive! :) did you draw it yourself?


  2. Thank you! Yes I drew them all with a humble biro!
